Monday, December 13, 2010

It's A Wonderful Life

My youngest is turning four this week. It seems so strange to see him talking, laughing and playing with his friends. He has opinions and ideas about what is best and what he likes. There is a temperament and an attitude that exists in him already. It's wild to watch this baby become a boy and know that it will not be long before he is a man.

At his party yesterday there were two other boys there that share his birthday. Not only were they born on the same day, but also in the same city and hospital. Four years ago this week all three of our families were at the same hospital floor seeing God bless us with healthy baby boys.

One of my favorite memories of Asher's birth was our second night in the hospital. Carrie had been feeling good and so she went and visited the other new moms in their rooms. Asher and I were all cozy in the hospital bed. He was wrapped up in a blanket on my chest and the movie It's A Wonderful Life was on. I remember thanking God for my life and praising Him for the grace He'd given me to save me and then guide me to the point that I had a wife I loved, a new baby, two other healthy children, a host of helpful friends and extended family, and a meaningful ministry to give myself to.

So on Saturday night when It's a Wonderful Life was on, I once again gave thanks to God for His kindness and care of the Pettus family. We are blessed.

Psalm 16:5–6 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. 6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Lord gives us the moon - and better!