I read this quote in a blog posted by Dan Phillips today and was saddened by this horrible lie.
"Barring something extraordinary, odds are most people will end up in Heaven. Nothing to get worked up about."
Jesus said it would be a narrow road to heaven that few would find. This makes evangelism and the pursuit of God seem irrelevant not to mention what it says about the cross of Christ and what those who are His disciples must do in denying self, taking it up, and following Him.
I appreciate the words of J.C. Ryle on the topic of the inhabitants of heaven.
"I make my solemn protest against those modern delusions, 'that all people shall go to heaven at last—that it matters not how you live—that whether you are holy or unholy it does not matter—that whether you are godless or God-fearing, it is all the same thing, that all at last will get to heaven.' I cannot find such teaching in the Bible. I find the Bible contradicting it flatly. However seemingly attractive this new idea may be put forth, and however plausibly it may be defended, it cannot stand the test of the Word of God. No! let God be true, and every man a liar. Heaven is no such place as some seem to fancy. The inhabitants of heaven are no such mixed multitude as many try to believe. They are all of one heart, and one mind. Heaven is the place to which God’s people shall go. But for those who are impenitent and unbelieving, and will not come to Christ, for such the Bible says, plainly and unmistakably, there remains nothing but hell."
The truth is that faith in Christ is required in order to be made holy and only the holy will dwell in God's heaven forever.
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