Tuesday, December 21, 2010


When God the Father called Jesus to go and raise Lazarus from the dead, Jesus was required to journey to a dangerous place. His disciples did not think it was a good idea. In John 11:8 we read where they told Him, “'But Rabbi,' they said, 'a short while ago the Jews tried to stone you, and yet you are going back there?'"

Jesus was confident in God's purpose and He obeyed the Father rather than being concerned about His own safety. John 11:9 "Jesus answered, 'Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world’s light.'"

Those that walk in the light and live in obedience to God live with confidence. They are not sure of themselves, but they are sure of God. This does not mean that they never fail or sin. Jesus is the only One who never sinned. Those that seek to honor God with their life will sin, but their heart's desire to love and obey God will give them confidence in their daily lives that allow them to go forward when others doubt.

To live confidently in Christ we must:
1. Not seek our own good, but the good of God's Kingdom and His people. When we make decisions out of pride or selfishness, we can know that we need to repent.
2. Not ignore God's Word. It is not enough that we have good intentions. Our intentions must be determined by Truth and that Truth will set us free. If we are making decisions on feelings rather than the facts and demands of God's Word, we can know we need to repent.
3. Not let other people's influence be greater than God's. We all want to be liked and respected by other people. That can be a good thing. But other people can lead us away from God, if they are not encouraging us to die to self and live for God's will according to God's Word. If we are trying to please other people or taking advice from those that care more about us or something else more than God, we can know we need to repent and turn to God.

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