Thursday, November 4, 2010


Does Jesus call us to live a balanced life? I believe He does. There are certain aspects of the Christian life that demand extremism. The grace of God demands that we be extreme in receiving and giving forgiveness. The grace of God demands we be extremely generous in the stewardship of our resources. The grace of God demands all kinds of extreme acts of service and love and discipline and sacrifice and worship and praise and... well you get it.

But there is a balance to life that makes it healthy and strong and useful to our King. We need to sleep. We need to work. We need to eat. We need to love and be with family and friends. We need a day to rest and worship. There are balancing aspects to the Christian life that must be recognized and respected.

My life is pretty intense. I will only be home one night this week. Change is a constant. Today I will pray with those that are suffering and experiencing extreme joy. Decisions will have to be made and consequences will be felt from precious decisions. Whatever comes, I am thankful that I do not face it alone. God is with me, but so is my wife, my kids, my friends and fellow workers, and a host of others that I love and that love me.

How can all of that happen well? Only when time is given to each relationship and my mind, body and soul is allowed to experience seasons and times of work and rest. There must be balance.

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