Thursday, October 14, 2010

Taking Responsibility

"Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it." -George Bernard Shaw

Christ has set us free to live a life of love in honor of His grace and goodness to us. Those who come to Christ are free. We are free from the absolute power and the eternal punishment of sin. We are free to obey God and enjoy Him forever.

The question is what do we do with that freedom. Do we seek to love or slip into apathy? Do we demand more or less of ourselves? Do we seek to give generously as grace has been given to us or do we hide the talents God gives and use them to get things that will lose their sparkle, that rust, and that one day will be misplaced and forgotten?

We have been set free! What keeps us from enjoying it?

1 comment:

Chad said...

I think what keeps us from enjoying it is that too often we are not ashamed of the sin we have committed. In our pride the evil one tells us that "we're only human and everyone does it." However, true shame is a blessing (and leads to Godly repentance) as it sheds light on our black hearts and allows us to see ourselves for what we really are.