Thursday, July 9, 2009

Working Out

This morning we got back into the weight room. Me and my guys have been faithful in our running, but for whatever reason we haven't been making it into the gym. Well, today we got back into the gym and let me tell you, daddy is hurting. During the workout I thought I was going to heave and when I got home, I wasn't confident that I could take my shoes off. There was no chance I was going to be able to carry Asher down the stairs today. That skin covered hunk of lead walked himself to the breakfast table.

How sad it is that just 3 weeks ago I could accomplish that workout with little or no problem. Sure, my muscles would get fatigued, but I wouldn't feel like I needed to stop by the ER on my way home.

Like anything, your body builds up its stamina and strength the more you use it. When you don't use it, your body will grow weaker and less effective.

I have found the same reality to exist in my prayer life. When I am focused and faithful in prayer, I am capable of praying for longer periods of time. I also find that my prayer is more effective. Reading and meditating have never been an issue for me. That is like breathing. Prayer requires me to really focus. Prayer for me is hard work. When I am disciplined in my time of prayer, I find it getting easier and more productive. When I do not take that time to diligently pray each day, I have discovered that fatigue sets in.

Don't get me wrong, I pray everyday throughout the day. I am talking about getting away and doing nothing else but communing with God and talking and listening to Him. This is not a quick, "Hey God, help!" This is a structured time of conversation with the creator.

What about you? Are you in good spiritual shape? What aspects of the spiritual disciplines do you find more difficult: study, meditation, prayer, silence, community or what? (You can find a list and a wonderful explanation of how to utilize the spiritual disciplines in Richard Foster's book Celebration of Discipline. I have read it over a dozen times and find it to be a beneficial annual read.)

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