Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Today’s "Walk in the Word" reading blesses my soul.

Psalm 147:10-11 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; 11the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Our God does not take pleasure in our abilities and personal power. He’s not impressed with what we drive or the resources we have at our disposal. Our capacity to commit and stand is not what delights Him.

God delights in those who are in awe of Him!

We don’t have to fake it with God. We can be the strugglers we are and rejoice in the Lord. God is holy. God is perfect. There is nothing dark in Him. He can squish us, but He doesn’t. Our delight in His goodness and greatness pleases Him.

We don’t have to beat ourselves up. We’re already beat up. We can admit that we are beat up, but that God is amazing and wonderful and honor Him for all that He is. When we do that, He is delighted in us. This is grace.

We can embrace His grace because He loves us. God is not telling us to merely do better. He’s not just making demands of us we can’t reach. He’s met the demands for us. He gives us His righteousness and makes us His adopted children. He does this because He loves us. His love is our hope.

We are free to acknowledge that God is great and that His love will never fail. We have hope in this. We are free in Him.

Thank you, Jesus!!!

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