Friday, January 1, 2010

Avatar Is Fun, But False

I enjoyed Avatar. The special effects were amazing and the storyline was interesting. The pantheistic new age mumbo jumbo was tolerable and actually reminded me of the hope I have in Jesus. There is something to be said for being able to safely see the darkness and understand and appreciate the goodness of the light of life that is possessed by those that live by grace through faith in Christ alone.

The first chapter of Genesis exposes the hope that belongs to those that believe in Jesus. What we learn about God in this chapter is substantial. D.A. Carson, as usual, hits the nail on the head.

God is different from the universe that he creates, and therefore pantheism is ruled out; that the original creation was entirely good, and therefore dualism is ruled out; that human beings, male and female together, are alone declared to be made in the image of God, and therefore forms of reductionism that claim we are part of the animal kingdom and no more must be ruled out; that God is a talking God, and therefore all notions of an impersonal God must be ruled out; that this God has sovereignly made all things, including all people, and therefore conceptions of merely tribal deities must be ruled out.
Carson, D. A. (1998). For the love of God : A daily companion for discovering the riches of God's Word. Volume 1. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books.

Our God brings order to life and dispels the lies of the Evil One that seeks to rob God of the glory He deserves.


Brandon Porter said...

Wasn't it interesting that in James Cameron's "Eden" there was also a Tree of Life of sorts. There were many Biblical parallels (ripoffs) in Avatar which made it very interesting to think through.

On the way home Monica said it was sad that the name of Jesus was only used as a curse word in the movie. But the more we talked about it the more we realized that at least His name was in the movie. Whether it is used properly or as a curse word we cannot escape the name of Jesus! He indeed is the Famous One.

jason pettus said...

I didn't think about that being an Eden with a tree. I want to see it again on IMAX and focus on the "rip offs"

Hope you guys are well and excited about the upcoming year.