Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Still Scared?

Last Sunday I spoke on fear and what God intends us to fear and what He does not want us to fear. You can listen to it "Built to Be Fearless and Fearful" by clicking here. We learned that in fearing God that we need not fear anything else.

In conversation with a number of people on Sunday and this week, I have realized that a lot of us have fears about our way of life. In listening to others and thinking about my own life, I have realized that this economic downturn has caused many of us to rethink our lives and to redefine what we want vs. what we need.

Many of us are living in fear of losing what we want. With God as our God, we never have to fear losing what we need. God always provides what we need. Even when life, a possession, a relationship, and/or health is lost God is still God and gives us what we need. God gives us each day "our daily bread."

We must learn to understand what "our bread" (our needs) are. And we also must understand that God gives daily. He gives us what we need each day. Most of us want him to give us what we need for life now, but that's not how God works. He doesn't always give us what we want and He doesn't give us all we will ever need in life today. He gives us each day what we need.

Watch this video by clicking here
to see if it resonates with you the way it did with me.

1 comment:

al said...

I have been guilty on many occasions to read the word of God and not completely believe it. As in the scripture pasted below I could easily pursue the lie that this was a story that could only apply to the people in which it happened historically and certainly God would not ask us to trust and obey Him in this manner especially in this nation He has blessed with such abundance, would He?
Exodus 16:4
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may test them, whether or not they will walk in My instruction.