Friday, May 23, 2008

The Start of Summer Opportunities

School ends today for our kids, which begins the real start of summer for us. I love the summer time. I love the warm weather. I love not being rushed in the mornings to get the kids off and going. I love having more time with my children. It is a joy.

In the midst of all of this time it can be easy to waste some of it. The time we have this summer is going to be invested in something. I am going to seek to look at each second for what it can do to honor God and invest it wisely. There is a time to rest in a way that honors God. There is also work to be done even in the summer that honors God.

I want to encourage you to start your summer reading. As a church, over the summer we are reading The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney. You can order it by clicking here. I am challenging my children to read the Narnia books along with requiring them to do their daily devotions.

I also want to encourage you to invest your life into the life of an unbeliever. Get to know them and share with them the love of Christ. Let them know and let them see what Christ has done in your life and invite them to know Christ as savior and lord. You will have this opportunity out in your yard, at the gym, on vacation, or anywhere you go. Remember, as you go "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Finally, take time to pray. During the summer months you will have the opportunity to spend more time with friends and family. Use some of that additional time to pray together. It is amazing what happens when we pray with others. It is a powerful experience. I know some people think it's a big deal to pray out loud with other people. It's not. It's just a conversation with God that you are sharing together.

Don't miss these opportunities!

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