Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Motivational Mumbo-Jumbo

Accordingly, in every age, he who is most forward in extolling the excellence of human nature, is received with the loudest applause. But be this heralding of human excellence what it may, by teaching man to rest in himself, it does nothing more than fascinate by its sweetness, and, at the same time, so delude as to drown in perdition all who assent to it.

-The Institutes of Christian Religion

This was an overwhelming reminder to me this morning that we must be cautious. We must be cautious that we do not allow ourselves to claim confidence in anyone or anything, but Christ. We must be cautious in who we listen to for advice and direction. We must especially be careful of those who hold a Bible in their hand or claim to be a spokesman for God. There is in every communicator, both secular and spiritual, a desire to be appreciated and noticed. Being celebrated and honored is the temptation of all those who are required by calling to be on the platform and speak.

Those who listen to those on platforms need to make sure that the message is true. Discern what is being taught. Ensure that the speaker is calling you to trust in Christ and see both the beauty of what it means to be an image-bearer of God, but is also honest about our condition as those who have fallen are a plagued with the consequence of sin. In that state of mind we can hope to see our value in God’s eyes and our greatest need met in God’s grace given to us through Christ, His Son.


Anonymous said...

Jason, again, another excellent post.

I am reading the latest biography of Luther and am overwhelmed with the inadequacy he felt as human. As brilliant as he was, he could not make sense of how a human could possibly stand before a righteous God. Of course, he found his answer, but not until he came to the terms that righeousness was a gift from God and not something man was capable of achieving on his own. Only then was this brilliant man able to find any rest for his soul that for so many years been wracked with guilt over his humanity.

Good stuff! Keep it up.

Jud & Amber Epting said...

Thank you Jason, well said !