I am a leader. As a leader, I have responsibilities. These responsibilities, if carried by me alone, would be overwhelming and unbearable.
The work of leading me is a full-time job. I am a mess. I am prone to be lazy, selfish, greedy, gluttonous, lustful, and mean. Left to myself, I would cause harm to me, those I love, and those who serve with me.
The work of leading my family is quite a job too. My kids are great and my wife is not only smoking hot, but extremely wise and patient. They still need to be served by me and provided for financially and given a Godly model to follow. That’s my joy and my job.
The work of caring for my church is sweet, but serious. Each week I feed over two-thousand people the Word of God through my preaching. Through the week I lead our staff of twenty-something people and help make decisions that will impact people’s lives and eternities. I also pray, counsel, and care for needs constantly.
But I am not overwhelmed. Why? I do not carry any of these burdens alone. I have submitted my life to leadership and that leadership takes responsibility for me and for what I do.
Christ is my savior and leader. He makes the call for me in terms of what I think, how I feel, and the way I live.
I have also submitted my life to a handful of men who know my struggles as a man who is a leader, a dad and a husband. They guide me through decisions and help correct my bad thinking.
As a pastor, I am under the authority of a group of elders. These men serve along side of me in caring for the church, but they also are responsible for me. They help make decisions about the direction of the church and the function of my ministry. If I get out of bounds in any way, they have complete authority to put me back in place or even put me on a shelf until I’m fit to serve.
There is a deep satisfaction in knowing that I am not alone. I am responsible for many things, but I do not carry those burdens by myself. There are even some burdens I don’t carry at all.
I don’t carry the burden of my sin debt. Christ has paid that for me. I don’t carry the burden of my life’s direction. God has prepared my path for me.
Even the tasks in my life that I must tend to are done under and along with the help of others.
Life submitted to the authority and leadership of others is deeply satisfying. If I didn't have others taking responsibility for me and with me, I would bend and at some point break under the pressure. I'd be like a tree in an ice storm with branches unable to hold up. As the branches fell, it would cut off power lines and cause pain to others.
Send me your comments and questions at jpettus@lhbg.org.
1 comment:
thank you for letting God speak through you!
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