Friday, February 2, 2007

So Happy Together

This morning I went to the church property with my two children, Mackeznie (10) and Jackson (7). We took our sleds, but were disappointed when we discoverd that there just wasn't enough good snow to sled. So we had a snow ball fight and checked out the frozen pond.
Then it began to happen. It's what always seems to happen. Friends started showing up. Before we knew it we were all laughing and screaming and having the time of our lives.

Pastor Richard Carwile ( hooked up a rope to his truck. All the kids sat on their sleds and he pulled them all over the property. Even the adutls got in the fun, but Pastor Jeff Carlisle was the best.

We all gave up after a couple of hours, when our noses were red, our bellies were growling, and our toes were turning blue.
Once again I was reminded of the joy of Christian community. Sure you can have fun with just yourself or your family. But oh the joy, when you have several other friends and their ideas for fun and their laughter joined with yours.

One of the best ways to get Christian community in your life is by being in a small group. Not only will you get a better handle on how to read and understand God's Word, but you will meet new people and make friendships for life.

Those friendships are great during the good times, but they are vital in the hard times. The people you learn to do life with will be the ones who stand by you when your life goes through a storm. In this fallen cursed world everybody goes through a storm sometime. Friends make it bearable and help you keep your head above water.

If you are not yet in a small group, why don't you get connected in one this week. You can go by the information area at church for more information, to the church website, or contact Pastor Richard and either he or elder Robert Duvall will get you started in the blessed life of small group.

For those of you in a small group, what blessings have you received by being connected with a faithful circle of friends?

1 comment:

Emily said...

Our small group is new, but I know that our group leader Mark, along with his wife, are and will continue to be great Christian friends. Other than the awesome connection and biblical study, he led us into a circle of prayer on our knees. Wow! Speaking of those needed times of humility, support, prayer,and encouragement, We prayed about my very recent possible calling into youth ministry and hopes of even seminary. But all along with the surprising battle of a cancer surgery just coming this week. Although I know this will better my testimony for God's Kingdom, I will have the support from these that love him and love us. It has already been planned for a phone call and if we need dinner at our home by these great leaders! I have always been an encourager to those ministering, and didn't plan on needing that time when I would need encouraged also. Whether you participate in a small group or feel called to lead--this is God's Way!